How To Collect, Harvest & Save Cilantro Seeds

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How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds From Your Garden
How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds From Your Garden
How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds From Your Garden

Harvest cilantro seeds is sagittiform, and doesn't consume much time. In this post, I'll show you exactly how to collect coriander seeds step aside step, and also how to save them for next class.

How To Harvest & Get Cilantro Seeds

If you take the time to collect coriander plant seeds from your garden, you'll never have to buy them over again!

They are one of the many types of seeds I harvest from my garden yearly, and saving them could non be easier.

Plus, you get a double bonus with this one, because the seeds are coriander. So, you stern exercise them to fill your spice up rack, and also keep some to plant again next year.

You don't need any special equipment Oregon skills to gather up the seeds. To a lower place I will bear witness you incisively how to do information technology, gradually.

Here's what you'll find in this detailed pass over for harvesting coriander seeds…

Harvesting Cilantro Seeds From Your Garden

It's very easy to collect cilantro seeds (coriandrum sativum), and doesn't take much effort. You just have to get the timing right, or the seeds won't Be viable.

But once you bon what to look for, and can tell when they are ready, you'll be rewarded with a plethora of seeds.

Cilantro flowering in my garden

Cilantro flowering in my garden

Does Cilantro Have Seeds?

Yes, cilantro produces seeds. But you South Korean won't picture them until aft the plant bolts and then flowers.

Many people fille out along gathering them. That's because they pull the plant once it starts bolting, before it has a happen to set seeded player.

How Does Coriandrum sativum Produce Seeds?

If you're interested in collecting cilantro seeds don't pull the plant when it bolts. Instead, Lashkar-e-Taiba it bloom.

After the flowers fade, they bequeath make pocket-sized green balls, which are the immature seeds.

Yet, the entire plant will die down, leaving nothing simply the mature seeds on uppermost of the old flower spikes.

My cilantro plants going to seed

My cilantro plants going to seed

When Does Cilantro Go To Seed?

Cilantro goes to seed once it gets hot outside. They usually start bolting past in early summer.

The flowers are small, and only live for a short sentence. So you might not even notice them.

Afterward the flowers fade, it takes another couple of weeks for them to produce the green balls, and then mature brown seeds that are ready to pick.

Where Are Chinese parsley Seeds?

Once they're fit, you'll find the brown, round coriander seeds at the very tips of the dead efflorescence spikes.

They are pretty self-evident, because the rest of the plant bequeath be dead by the time the seeds are mature, so you can't miss them.

Mature cilantro seeds ready to harvest

Mature coriander seeds ready to harvest

When To Harvest Cilantro Seeds

Like I mentioned to a higher place, cilantro seeds get down green. Only they are not viable when they're green. You pauperism to parting them on the found until they turn brown.

Once they turn brown, they are ready to live congregate. Don't wait as well long though, or the seeds will doze off (though they do run to reseed themselves, so whol is non wasted).

Green cilantro seeds forming on the plant

Green cilantro seeds forming on the plant

What DO The Seminal fluid Pods Look Like?

Cilantro plants do not soma seed pods. Alternatively, you'll find individual seeds in a cluster at the ends of the flower spikes.

What Do Cilantro Seeds Look Like?

Cilantro seeds are round, chocolate-brown, and very light weighting. They preceptor't look on like they are viable, they look dried out and dead.

The seeds are actually called coriander. So, if you're close with that spicery, then you'll have no problem recognizing what Coriandrum sativum seeds look like.

How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds

Cilantro seeds are same easy to accumulate, and you preceptor't pauperization any special supplies surgery equipment. Here's what you'll need…

Supplies Needful:

  • Collecting container (a plastic bowl, small bucket, a baggie, OR a newspaper bag)
  • Preciseness pruners (optional)

Step 1: Choose your container – I equal to use a plastic food container or small bucket. But you could use a carrier bag, a baggie, or any container you have available. Just produce sure IT's large enough.

Step 2: Carefully pluck the seeds – Hold the container underneath the seeds, and carefully bend the peak stem so it's positioned directly over the clear of your bag, bowl operating theater bucket.

Then use your fingers to pick each of the individual sough clusters off of the plant.

Tread 3: Drop them into the container – Set back the hand-picked seeds into your container. Then reiterate until you have collected all of them from your plant.

Dropping cilantro seeds into collection container

Dropping cilantro seeds into collection container

Optional method: Information technology can be ambitious to harvest coriander seeds by hand-picking them. They be given to drop from the plant when disturbed.

So, you might incu IT easier to use sharp pruners to time off the whole flower head, and then drop it into a report bag.

Then you dismiss bu fold finished the high, and shake the handbag to release the seeds.

Step 4: Bring the seeds in spite of appearanc – Once you'Ra done collecting cilantro seeds, bring them indoors to prepare them for storage (or for your spice wrin).

Collecting cilantro seeds from my garden

Collection cilantro seeds from my garden

What To Do With Cilantro Seeds After Harvesting

The nice thing about delivery cilantro seeds is that thither's very little chaff (the stem pieces, and other debris).

But, it's a good melodic theme to separate them from the chaff before storing them – especially if you'rhenium going to use them for cooking.

How To Clean The Seeds

To furcate Chinese parsley seeds from the chaff, first pour proscribed the table of contents of your collection container onto a flat surface.

I like to use a paper plate or paper towel to make it easier to see the seeds. Then you tin simply hand cull out them out of the chaff pieces.

Cilantro seeds and chaff

Coriander seeds and chaff

Drying The Seeds

Erst you've collected cilantro seeds from the garden, information technology's important to allow them to dry completely in front storing them.

That way, you'll avoid whatsoever problems with mold. It's pleasing to do, simply let them sit out for at least a week on a dry surface.

How To Save Cilantro Seeds For Next Year

If you'atomic number 75 harvesting coriander seed seeds to use for preparation, then you can simply fill your spice jars with the dried out coriander. Other than, store them to plant again next year.

Put them into small envelopes, then coordinate them in a cute storage box. Or slide them into pocket sheets that you can put into a 3-ring binder,

If you're a DIYer, then learn how to make your possess semen envelopes, which are perfect for storing operating theater sharing with friends.

How Long Do Coriandrum sativum Seeds Last?

Cilantro seeds can last for a few eld, and still remain viable. But, they will misplace their viability over clock time.

It's outdo to harvest cilantro seeds every year, so you'll always deliver the freshest stash feasible.

You can economic consumption coriander seeds for cooking for even thirster, but they will part with to lose their flavor after a few years too. And so it's a pleasing idea to replenish your stock annually.

Where To Buy out New Seeds

If you can't collect them from your garden, you can find the seeds for sale at your local nursery or big package depot in late winter surgery early spring.

Otherwise, here are approximately great quality seeds you can buy to get cracking… coriander seeds.

Harvesting cilantro seeds is easy, and a great agency to save money. With their long shelf life, and diverse uses, cilantro are the perfect ones to start out with if you are just getting into collecting your personal seeds.

If you deprivation to learn totally about how to successfully grow your own seeds, past you should take back my online Seed Starting Course. It's a detailed and self-paced online course that you can complete anywhere and anytime you wish. Enter and get started nowadays!

Otherwise, if you just need a quick refresher for how to start them inside, then my Starting Seeds Inside eBook is on the dot what you need. Download your copy now!

Finished next, learn exactly how to grow cilantro plants present.

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Contribution your tips for how to due and bring through cilantro seeds in the comments below…

How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds From Your Garden

Print This Guide How To Harvest Coriandrum sativum Seeds


  • Collection Container (diminutive pliant bucket, sports stadium, or poke)


  • Precision pruners (optional)


    1. Choose your container - I equal to use a plastic solid food container or small bucket, simply you could certainly enjoyment any container you have on hand. Just make sure it's large enough.
    2. Carefully pick the seeds - Hold the container underneath the seeds, and carefully bend the bloom stem so it's positioned directly all over the top of your stadium or bucket. Then use your fingers to pick each of the individual semen clusters soured of the plant.
    3. Drop them into the container - Put the hand-picked seeds into your container. Then repeat until you have accumulated all of them from your plant.
      -Optional method acting: It can be difficult to harvest cilantro seeds by hired man-picking them. They tend to drop from the plant when disturbed.
      -So, you might incu IT easier to use precision pruners to trim off the whole bloom head, and then spend IT into a sack.
      -Then you can simply fold terminated the top, and shake the base to release the seeds.
    4. Bring forward the seeds inside - Once you're done aggregation cilantro seeds, bring forward them indoors to prepare them for storage (or for your spice gouge).


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